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Sobering Facts About Drunk Driving This Holiday Season

 Posted on December 14, 2021 in Drunk Driving / DUI

Drunk driving is a national concern every day of the year, but arrests tend to spike around the holidays. And even though most celebrations will look a bit different this year due to COVID-19, the winter holidays and New Year’s Eve celebrations will still cause an increase in binge drinking, alcohol-related violence, and DWI arrests.

Driving While Intoxicated During the Winter Holidays

Drunk Driving in Texas — Fast Facts

  • Approximately 10.22% of Texas residents have been involved in a drunk driving crash at some point in their lives.
  • More than 24% of Texas drivers who have driven drunk have been charged with a DWI or DUI.
  • Approximately 14% of Texas drivers who have driven drunk have served jail time for doing so.
  • On average, drivers with a DWI on their record can expect to pay an extra $569 annually in insurance premiums.
  • Approximately 36.8% of Texas residents have been a passenger in a car with an impaired driver.

Why Drunk Driving Arrests Spike Around the Holiday Season

Drunk driving can happen at any time and any day, but it’s more prevalent during the holidays because:

  • People are drinking more often. During a typical week in the spring, most people only enjoy a few drinks on the weekend. However with holiday celebrations in full swing throughout much of November into January, people are simply drinking more often.
  • Police are hypervigilant. Police know that the holidays are a time when drinking and driving is more prevalent, so they’re looking for any traffic violation that warrants being pulled over. Law enforcement agencies are also more likely to set up DUI checkpoints between Thanksgiving and the first week of January.

Arrested for a DWI in Texas? Call Magaña & Van Dyke

Though drunk driving is 100% preventable, we understand that accidents happen and people occasionally make poor judgment calls. A DWI arrest doesn’t have to impact the rest of your life or cost you thousands. At Magaña & Van Dyke, we’ll work tirelessly to have your charges reduced or dropped altogether.

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