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Is it Possible to Get Off Probation Early?

 Posted on December 13, 2021 in Criminal Defense

After a person is found guilty of a crime, they may be put on probation — a sanction that’s been ordered by the court system. Probation allows a person to stay in the community, so long as they're supervised by a probation officer and follow any other court-ordered rules.

While probation is almost always a more preferential sanction than jail or prison time, it’s not without its own set of rules and regulations, many of which can impact your life. After a few months or years, many people begin to wonder if it’s possible to get off probation (or deferred adjudication) early.

Probation vs. Deferred Adjudication

Unlike probation, deferred adjudication is not a conviction. If you’re placed on deferred adjudication, you’ll likely have to report to a probation officer and abide by the terms of your probation while living within the community. However, you are not found guilty when placed on deferred adjudication.

If you successfully complete all of the conditions, you will be discharged from deferred adjudication and the case will be dismissed. One of the biggest benefits of successfully completing your deferred adjudication is that you will not be a convicted criminal.

Completing Probation or Deferred Adjudication Early

Can I complete probation early? Yes.

If you were placed on probation, the law typically requires defendants to serve at least one-third of the original sentence while on probation before being eligible for early release. Take, for example, someone sentenced to one year of probation. They will have to serve four months before early release can be considered.

For those sentenced to probation for longer than two years, the law varies slightly. If you’re interested in early release, reach out to the team at Magaña & Van Dyke.

Can I complete deferred adjudication early? Yes.

Trial court judges are capable of releasing someone from deferred adjudication at any time. However, it’s important to note that you can not be released until all other conditions of your probation are met (fines are paid, community service is completed, any required classes were attended and completed, etc.).

Ultimately, the best way to increase your chances of being released from probation or deferred adjudication early is to stay out of trouble, avoid drugs and alcohol, and abide by all other conditions of your release.

Magaña & Van Dyke will take the time to get to know you and learn about your circumstances. Schedule a free consultation by calling us at 940-382-1976 or contacting us online.

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