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3 Common Reasons a Parent Might Stop Paying Child Support

 Posted on December 29, 2022 in Divorce

TX family lawyerThe divorce process can be emotionally and financially draining. When you and your ex cared for your children together under one roof, it may have been easier to work together to take care of your family’s financial needs. However, things change significantly after divorce, and both parents may struggle to make ends meet.

If your ex has not been paying child support, this can cause a great deal of difficulty for you. It may be hard to understand why your ex would be avoiding payments, but here are some common reasons that may explain why the money you need for your child is not coming your way:

Changes in Finances

Your ex might not be paying child support because they do not have the money to give. The amount of child support payments specified in a divorce judgment is based on the paying parent’s net income at the time of the divorce. Issues such as a job loss or large medical expenses can affect how much your ex is able to pay. If you think this may be the reason why you are not receiving child support, you may wish to talk to your ex or even request a modification so that they can at least pay what they are able to. Setting a payment that your ex can afford is better for everyone than you not receiving any payments at all.

Disagreements About Spending

Everyone values things differently. When it comes to expenses, your ex may disagree with the amount of money you are spending in different categories. For example, if your child needs a new school bag, you may choose to invest in a strong backpack that costs twice as much as the last one. Your spouse may complain about the extra spending and refuse to share in these expenses. It is important to realize that the law does not address the specifics of how child support payments are allowed to be spent. This means that your ex-spouse cannot simply stop paying because he or she does not like how you are using the money.

Hurt Feelings

It is also possible your ex is upset with the child custody arrangements that have been established. They may feel that decisions were made unfairly, and having to make monthly child support payments may only agitate these feelings. As a result, they may refuse to make child support payments out of spite.

Regardless of feelings or disagreements, parents are legally required to pay court-ordered child support. A person who fails to pay child support could have their driver’s license suspended, their passport denied, and liens placed on their property, bank accounts, and other assets.

Contact a Denton County Divorce Lawyer

Your child deserves to receive financial support from both parents. If your ex-spouse is refusing to pay court-mandated child support, the team at Magaña & Van Dyke can help. Contact an experienced Denton child support attorney from our firm to learn about your options for child support enforcement. Set up a free consultation by calling 940-382-1976 today.



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